
Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Aloe Vera is an anti-tumor herb that's also great for your skin and cardiovascular system


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(NaturalNews) Aloe Vera has a history that spans over 6000 years. The Egyptian civilization was the first to note its extraordinary health benefits and called it the plant of immortality. It was used for various health issues ranging from insomnia, baldness, bad digestion and even cancer. It is now regularly grown in tropical locations such South Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean. Additional healing properties were discovered through time and starting with 18th Century, Aloe Vera was often employed for other conditions like skin irritations, burns and wounds.

Aloe Vera is now considered to be a superfood by many health practitioners since it has continuously displayed outstanding antibacterial, anti-fungal, anti-viral and antioxidant properties. This herb is filled with substantial amounts of numerous vitamins and minerals. It is also considered an adaptogen which basically means that it has the ability to help the body adapt and resist to practically any induced changes that normally would lead to illnesses. It automatically stimulates defence mechanisms that can cope much more effectively when faced with various forms of stress.

Aloe Vera is not only exceptionally good for the skin and immune system, but research now tends to show its immense potential when dealing with problems related to the cardiovascular system and even certain forms of cancer.

Research shows that aloe Vera can inhibit skin cancer growth

In India, a study was conducted on Swiss albino mice suffering from stage-2 skin carcinogenesis. The scientists wanted to test Aloe Vera's effectiveness when employed either topically or orally. They immediately noted that when DMBA and croton oil were used all alone on the test subjects, tumors developed 100% of the time. On the other hand, the ones that were given any form of Aloe Vera were up to 60% less likely to develop tumors as the cumulative number of papillomas was considerably diminished. Researchers were convinced that the chemopreventive activity of Aloe Vera stems from its high concentrations of antioxidants, glutathione peroxidise, several isozymes of superoxide dismutase, selenium, zinc and polysaccharides.
Based on a few experiments, it is believed that when Aloe Vera is introduced into the bloodstream, it may significantly increase the oxygen transportation and diffusion abilities of the red blood cells. The 2000 issue of the British Medical Journal published a study that showed how components within Aloe Vera were able to lower cholesterol levels, control blood pressure levels and improve circulation by making the blood more fluid. These results were a clear sign that consuming Aloe Vera will most likely lower risks of heart disease.

Many researchers have realized that burns can heal up to nine days faster when treated with Aloe Vera rather than not. In one study, burns would heal in less than sixteen days using the medicinal plant, while by comparison, it would take at least nineteen days for silver sulfadiazine, a synthetic drug, to have the same effect.

Monday, March 24, 2014 by: P. Simard
Tags: aloe vera, skin cancer, prevention

Sources for this article include :

About the author:
After spending several years working in property management and being a web consultant for PS Communications, P. Simard is now on his way to becoming a naturopath in the province of Quebec. Always searching for the truth with an open mind, his innate passion for knowledge and overall health matters has finally led him to Natural News.

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Aloe Vera

Research shows strong immunomodulatory and anti-tumor properties for polysaccharides in aloe vera, which means it boosts immune system function and destroys cancer tumors.

A study in International Immunopharmacology showed that aloe vera polysaccharides exhibited potent macrophage activating activities including producing increased volumes of nitric oxide, which has anti-tumor potential.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Doa Ketika Anak Sakit Demam dan Panas



Doa Ketika Anak Sakit Demam dan Panas

Bagi anda yang memiliki anak kecil tentunya sangat menjaga agar si kecil tetap sehat. Namun, anak-anak (terutama bayi/balita) terkadang rentan terhadap penyakit.

Jika anak mengalami sakit, semua orang tua pasti merasa was-was. Apalagi jika anak demam dan suhu tubuhnya tinggi atau panas. Dalam kondisi si kecil demam dan panas segeralah membawanya ke dokter untuk dilakukan pemeriksaan secara medis.

Selain memberikan pengobatan medis, kita sebagai mahluk ciptaan Allah Swt tidak lupa untuk memohon kehadirat Allah Swt melalui doa agar si kecil segera dipulihkan dari sakitnya. Kesembuhan itu tidak lain datangnya hanya dari Allah Swt.

Berikut ini doa-doa untuk anak sakit demam dan panas :

Bacaan doa jika suhu tubuh anak atau si kecil panas:
"Bismillahil kabiir, na'udzu billahil 'adlimm min fyarri 'irqin na'aarr, wa min fyarri harrin naar".
Artinya : "Dengan menyebut nama Allah yg Maha Agung, kami memohon kepada Allah yg Maha Agung dari kejahatan keringat yg bercucuran dan dari kejahatan panasnya api neraka. (HR. Ibn as- Sunni).

Mengutip buku Al Adzkar karya Imam Nawawi bahwa sebelum kita memanjatkan permohonan atau doa kepada Allah Swt, sebaiknya didahului dengan membaca surat Al Fatihah, Al-Ikhlas, al-Falaq, dan An-Nas masing-masing satu kali.

Setelah membaca surat-surat dan doa tersebut diatas, tiupkanlah pada kedua tangan lalu usapkan ke seluruh tubuh si kecil.

Selanjutnya bacalah Shalawat Thibbiyyah (shalawat obat) :
"Allahumma sholli 'alaa sayyidinaa Muhammadin thibil quluubi wa dawaaihaa, wa 'aafiyatil abdaani wa syifaaihaa, wa nuuril abshoori wa dhiyaaihaa, wa 'alaa aalihi wa shohbihi wa sallim fi kulli lamhatin wa nafasi 'adadi maa wasi'ahu 'ilmullooh".
Artinya : "Ya Allah, semoga Engkau tetap memberikan shalawat dan salam kepada Nabi Muhammad Saw, yang merupakan penyejuk hati sekaligus obatnya, penyembuh anggota badan sekaligus obatnya, cahaya mata hati sekaligus yang menyinari, juga kepada keluarga dan sahabatnya, dalam setiap saat dan setiap nafas, dengan sebanyak mungkin ilmu Allah".

Bacalah Bismillaah (3x), a 'udzu bi 'izzatillaahi wa qudrotihii min syarri maa ajidu wa uhaadziru.
Artinya : "Dengan menyebut nama Allah (3 x), aku berlindung dg kegagahan dan kekuasaanNya dari segala kejahatan yang saya dapati dan saya takuti". (HR. Muslim)


Demikianlah tulisan mengenai doa untuk anak yang sedang sakit demam dan panas. Hanya kepada Allah SWT kita memohon kesembuhan si kecil dan atas pertolonganNya kesembuhan itu terjadi. Berlindunglah hanya kepada Allah Swt Sang Maha Kuasa.@

Sumber :

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Top 5 signs you might have kidney damage


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NaturalNews) The prevalence of kidney disease is frightening and our elevated levels of toxin exposure continues to chip away at the proper functioning of this important organ. Once your kidney function becomes compromised, so does your health. Know the signs of kidney damage, and things you can do to naturally improve its function.

Lower back pain

One of the first and most consistent signs of kidney damage, or just slow and unhealthy kidneys, is lower back pain.

Sometimes it's only on one side, which occurs if someone sleeps on only one side, and this will be the side the kidney is having more problems with due to gravity. But in most cases, at least shortly after it's on one side only, the pain will move to both sides.

A typical example is waking up in the morning or even in the middle of the night and your lower back, one side or both, aches. You go to urinate and it may or may not come easily. Then your back loosens up a bit and feels much better.

This is an early warning sign of kidney damage, and is much more treatable if addressed quickly.

Rashes, itching, and dryness

Kidneys help remove wastes from the bloodstream, so when they fail, the build up of wastes in your blood can cause rashes, severe itching, and dryness.
This is often an early sign of kidney damage, and should be taken seriously. Avoid the temptation to treat it with topical creams, which does nothing to rectify the actual problem.

Changes in urinary function

Since kidneys make urine, when they are failing your urinary patterns may change. Some examples of this change include:

• Urine may be foamy or bubbly
• You may start getting up more in the night to urinate
• You may urinate more often, or in greater amounts than usual, with pale urine
• You may urinate less often, or in smaller amounts than usual, with dark colored urine
• You may feel pressure or have difficulty urinating
• Your urine may contain blood

Preliminary changes in urinary function are moderate signs of kidney problems, with change in color being a sign of more acute damage.

Swelling in various body parts

Kidneys remove wastes and extra fluid from the body, so when they are not working properly and are unable to perform this function, extra fluid will build up. This often causes swelling in the face, hands, legs, ankles, and feet.

At this point, kidney damage has become much more acute and should be addressed immediately.

Fatigue and weakness

Your kidneys produce a hormone called erythropoietin, which helps make red blood cells that carry oxygen. When you have kidney disease it lowers the levels of this hormone, which causes decreased red blood cells in your body resulting in anemia.

This decreased oxygen delivery to cells causes fatigue and general weakness, and should be addressed quickly.

Causes of kidney damage

One of the major sources of kidney problems is through the heavy metal cadmium, which primarily enters the environment through the burning of oil and coal and the incineration of municipal waste. Cadmium is also found in phosphate fertilizers which contaminates our food supply.

It's important to note that smokers directly inhale cadmium into the lungs, and contain more than twice the amount of cadmium as non-smokers.

How to improve kidney function

There are several ways to improve kidney function through diet and lifestyle.

First of all, ensure you don't smoke and avoid environments and products that contain excessive amounts of cadmium. Make sure to exercise, stay hydrated, and consume unsweetened cranberry juice on a daily basis.

Also consider herbal support that such as corn silk, juniper berries, uva ursi leaves, horsetail herb, burdock root, goldenrod flowers, and chanca piedra.
Sources for this article include:

About the author:
Motivated by his own story of being sick and crippled at age 30 to healthy and pain free 5 years later, Derek is an expert in helping people get on track in a fraction of the time it took him on his own journey. Actively engaged in the research of natural healing for over 6 years, Derek has spent over 3000 hours studying and collaborating with top minds in nutrition and utilizes that extensive knowledge to deliver protocols that help people overcome their own health challenges.

Derek is the owner and Master Health Coach at Healing the Body, and writer of over 200 natural health articles, many of which are featured at his Healing the Body Facebook Fan Page.

Derek specializes in specific nutritional and wellness programs, from simple lifestyle transitions to complete healing protocols. Check out his popular free health consult.

Terdapat beberapa doa untuk orang yang sedang sakit

Terdapat beberapa doa untuk orang yang sedang sakit :
1. Dari Tsabit, ia berkata: Wahai Abu hamzah (Anas), aku mengeluh (padamu tentang sakit). Lalu Anas berkata: Maukah kalian saya bacakan doa (ruqyah) Rasulullah Sallallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam? Ia menjawab: Ya. Lanjut Anas: (Doanya adalah)

اللَّهُمَّ رَبَّ النَّاسِ، مُذْهِبَ الْبَاسِ، اشْفِ أَنْتَ الشَّافِى لا شَافِىَ إِلا أَنْتَ، شِفَاءً لا يُغَادِرُ سَقَمًا
“Ya Allah, Tuhan manusia, Penyembuh sakit, sembuhkanlah! Engkaulah Zat Yang Menyembuhkan. Tidak ada yang dapat menyembuhkan kecuali Engkau. Kesembuhan yang tidak menyisakan sakit.” (HR. Bukhari)

2. Dari Aisyah bahwasanya Rasulullah SAW pernah memohonkan perlindungan (pada Allah) dengan mengusapkan tangan kanannya (pada bagian yang sakit) sambil berdoa:

اللَّهُمَّ رَبَّ النَّاسِ، أَذْهِبِ الْبَاسَ، اشْفِهِ وَأَنْتَ الشَّافِى لا شِفَاءَ إِلا شِفَاؤُكَ، شِفَاءً لا يُغَادِرُ سَقَمًا
“Ya Allah, Tuhan manusia, hilangkanlah sakit (ini), sembuhkanlah ia, engkau adalah Zat Yang menyembuhkan, tidak ada kesembuhan kecuali kesembuhan (dari)Mu, kesembuhan yang tidak menyisakan sakit.” (HR. Bukhari)

3. Dari Aisyah bahwasanya Rasulullah Sallallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam pernah membacakan doa ruqyah untuk orang sakit (dengan doa berikut):

اِمْسَحِ الْبَاسَ رَبَّ النَّاسِ بِيَدِكَ الشِّفَاءُ لَا كَاشِفَ لَهُ إِلَّا أَنْتَ
“Hapuskanlah petaka (sakit)nya wahai Tuhan manusia, di tangan-Mulah kesembuhan. Tidak ada yang menyembuhkannya kecuali Engkau.”

4. Dari Aisyah, bahwasanya Nabi Sallallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam pernah mengatakan (doa) untuk orang sakit (dengan doa berikut):
بِسْمِ اللَّه، تُرْبَةُ أَرْضِنَا، بِرِيقَةِ بَعْضِنَا، يُشْفَى سَقِيمُنَا، بِإِذْنِ رَبِّنَا
“Bismillah, tanah bumi kami dengan air ludah sebagian kami, semoga disembuhkan orang sakit kami, dengan izin Tuhan kami.” (HR. Bukhari dan Muslim)

5. Dari Ibnu Abbas radhiyallahu ‘anhu bahawasanya Nabi Sallallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam pernah menjenguk seorang badui (arab kampung), sebelumnya Rasulullah jika menjenguk orang sakit, baginda mengatakan doa ini:
لا بَأْسَ طَهُورٌ إِنْ شَاءَ اللَّه
“Tidak apa-apa, bersih/suci insya Allah” (HR. Bukhari)
Keterangan: maksud dari bersih/suci adalah semoga sakitnya dapat membersihakan (menghapuskan) dosa-dosanya.

6. Dari Ibnu Abbas dari Nabi Sallallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam beliau bersabda: Barangsiapa yang menjenguk orang sakit yang sakitnya bukan kedatangan ajal, lalu ia berdoa di sisinya sebanyak tujuh kali, dengan doa berikut:
أَسْأَلُ اللهَ الْعَظِيمَ رَبَّ الْعَرْشِ الْعَظِيمِ أَنْ يَشْفِيَكَ
Aku memohon kepada Allah Yang Agung, Tuhan Arsy yang agung, agar menyembuhkanmu, maka Allah akan menyembuhkan dari sakit yang dideritanya (HR. Abu Dawud, dishahihkan oleh Al-Albani)

7.Dari Utsman bin Abil ‘Ash bahwasanya ia pernah mendatangi Nabi Sallallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam sedangkan ketika itu ia sedang sakit yang hampir mematikannya. Lalu Rasulullah Sallallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam berkata letakkanlah/usapkanlah tangan kananmu (pada bagian yang sakit) sebanyak tujuh kali sambil berdoa (berikut):
بِسْمِ اللهِ بِسْمِ اللهِ بِسْمِ اللهِ أَعُوذُ بِعِزَّةِ الله وَقُدْرَتِهِ مِنْ شَرِّ مَا أَجِدُ وَأُحَاذِرُ
“Bismillah bismillah bismillah, aku berlindung kepada Allah dari kejahatan (sakit) yang aku dapati dan aku khawatirkan.”
Lalu Utsman berdoa dengan doa tersebut dan dihilangkan sakitnya oleh Allah. Ia senantiasa menganjurkan keluarga dan orang-orang untuk senantiasa berdoa dengan doa tersebut (HR. Muslim, Abu Dawud dan Ibnu Majah, dishahihkan Al-Albani)

~ Abu Basyer

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Dengan nama Allah..

  Dato' Dr. Haron Din menceritakan kepada kami tentang kaifiyat (kelebihan) doa ini.
 Bacakan 3 kali setiap kali sebelum memulakan sebarang perjalanan. Jika dalam waktu membaca itu ada gangguan yg membuatkan kita berhenti membaca seperti deringan telefon, orang memanggil kita atau apa sahaja, diisyaratkan kepada kita bahawa sebaiknya menangguhkan sebentar perjalanan kita itu
. Tunggu sehingga 5 minit, bacakan sekali lagi, dan jika tiada halangan, teruskan perjalanan. Sekiranya masih lagi terganggu, tangguh terus perjalanan kerana boleh jadi akan ada halangan diperjalanan. 
 Wallahua'lam - Admin

*Doa ini boleh dibaca setiap waktu, selepas solat, mohon dihindarkan segala bentuk musibah/bencana kepada diri & keluarga.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Healing By Allah's Names

Healing By Allah's Names

March 11, 2014 at 10:52pm
An interesting finding to share ..

 -  Dr Ibrahim Karim a Biologist discovered that Asma'ul Husna, Most Beautiful Names of Allah have Healing Powers for a large number of diseases.Dr Ibrahim used precision methods in the Measurement of Energy within the Human Body and discovered that every Name of Allah Stimulates Energy in the Immune System of the Human Body to work efficiently on certain ideal parts.He discovered that by mentioning (reciting) Asma'ul Husna leads to improvement in tracking Bio Energy within the human body.
After 3 years of research, he concluded the followings :

1. Ears – As Sami' (The all Hearing)
2. Bones – An Nafi' (The creator of good)
3. Backbone – Al Jabbar (The Compeller)
4. Knee – Ar Ra’uf (The Clement)
5. Hair – Al Badi' (The Originator)
6. Heart – An Nur (The Light)
7. Muscles – Al Qawiyy (The All Strength)
8. Heart Waves – Al Wahhab (The giver of All)
9. Heart Muscle – Ar Razzaq (The Sustainer)
10. Nerve – Al Mughni (The Enricher)
11. Artery – Al Jabbar (The Compeller)
12. Stomach – Alr Razzaq (The Sustainer)13. Cancer – Al Jalil (The Mighty)
14. Thyroid – Al Jabbar (The Compeller)15. Thigh- Ar Rafi (The Exalter)
16. Migraine – Al Ghani (The Rich One)17.Eye Arteries–Al Muta'ali(The Supreme One)
18. Kidney – Al Hayyu (The Ever Living One)
19. Colon – Ar Ra’uf (The Clement)
20. Intestine – Ar Razzaq (The Sustainer)
21. Liver – An Nafi (The creator of good)
22. Pancreas – Al Bari (The Make of Order)
23. Fatty Sacks – An Nafi' (The creator of good)
24. Womb – Al Khaliq (The Creator)
25. Bladder – Al Hadi (The Guide)
26. Rheumatism–Al Muhaymin(The Guardian)
27. Prostate – Ar Rashid (The Righteous Teacher)
28. Nerves of the Eye – Az Zohir (The Manifest One)
29. Pineal Gland – Al Hadi (The Guide)
30. Blood Pressure – Al Khafid (The Abaser)
31. Lung - Ar Razzaq (The Sustainer)
32. Thymus Gland – Al Qawiyy (The All Strength)
33. Gland above the Kidney – Al Bari (The Make of Order)
34. Hair Peel – Al Jalil (The Mighty)
35. The Nasal Cavities – (Al Lateef, Al Ghani, Ar Raheem)
36. Eyes – (An Nur, Al Basir, Al Wahhab)

Method Of Treatment :
Place your palms on where the pain is and praise Allah's Names by saying e.g. YA SAMI' YA SAMI'...... or YA LATIF YA LATIF...... or YA WAHHAB YA WAHHAB...... according to your disease until the pain subsides, heals or cures, INSHA ALLAH.

Remember: These Results From Reciting the Names of Allah and Totally Depending On The Will of Allah The Almighty. Masha Allah.



Monday, March 10, 2014

The difference between green and black tea

The difference between green and black tea, by the way, is based on the degree of oxidation the leaves receive.

 Green tea comes from leaves that are steamed, pan-fired, or oven-fired immediately after picking, so minimal oxidation occurs. (White tea, made from new-growth buds and young leaves, is even less processed.)
 In a black tea—or red tea, as it’s called in China—the leaves are well and truly oxidized.
 The type of tea called oolong occupies the middle range; its partial oxidation results in varying, distinctive flavors and complex aromas.


All teas are rich in antioxidants, but green tea, especially when brewed from loose leaves, is known for its great abundance of the polyphenols classified as catechins—in particular, epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG). A great deal has been written about the health benefits of green tea, so I’ll spare you here; for an in-depth review, check out this research from the University of Granada, in Spain.

Okay, about this lead business., an independent site that tests health and nutrition products, reported on May 21 that not only did catechin and caffeine levels vary widely in the green teas it tested (from Bigelow, Celestial Seasonings, Lipton, Salada, and Teavana), but that some contain lead in their leaves. “Lead is known to be taken up into tea leaves from the environment and can occur in high amounts in tea plants grown near industrial areas and active roadways, such as in certain areas in China .... the liquid portions of the brewed teas [italics mine] did not contain measurable amounts of lead (i.e., no more than 1.25 mcg per serving).”

A microgram is equal to one millionth of a gram. As long as you don’t eat the tea leaves, you have nothing to worry about, in other words.

That said, limiting our exposure to lead is a smart thing to do (for excellent in-depth reporting on the subject, read USA Today’s recent coverage), but it’s important to understand that the chemical element occurs naturally everywhere, even in uncontaminated soils. Fortunately, a healthy diet rich in vitamin C, calcium, and iron can help mitigate lead’s harmful effects.

Lead contamination of C. sinensis has been studied at the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, in Hangzhou, for years. In one article, published in the January 2006 issue of the journal Environmental Pollution, Chinese researchers analyze the lead concentrations in 1225 tea samples collected nationally between 1999 and 2001; among their findings was that 32 percent of the samples exceeded the national maximum permissible concentration and there was an increasing trend in tea lead concentration from 1989 to 2000. In another, more heartening piece, published the following year in the journal Chemosphere, the researchers indicate that the liming (neutralizing) of acidic tea-garden soils is an effective way to reduce lead contamination in tea leaves.

And, you may ask, what about trace amounts of radiation showing up in Japanese green tea? Much of that country’s tea is produced far to the west of Fuskushima, where the 2011 nuclear power-plant disaster occurred, but still—is there reason to worry? I turned to Elizabeth Andoh, the world’s leading English-language authority on Japanese food (and longtime Gourmet contributing editor). “The subject of radiation contamination of the food chain (tea included) is VERY complicated,” she wrote. “For me, the bottom line is the reputation of the vendor and the vendor's diligence in researching and testing.” If choosing an online vendor, look to see if the company includes radiation test results for their teas.

So, should you simply avoid green tea altogether? Well, it’s not a necessary nutrient, so it is your choice to drink it or not. Jeffrey Blumberg, director of the Antioxidants Research Laboratory and professor at the Friedman School of Nutrition Science and Policy, both at Tufts University, weighed in. “The vast majority of observational studies on large populations of tea drinkers (including those in China) show a dose-related health benefit of tea consumption (i.e., the larger the intake, the greater the benefit), particularly in reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease,” he wrote. That’s enough for me.
Tips for buying and brewing green tea
When buying green tea, it’s worth remembering that it is an agricultural crop. Its quality from year to year depends on a number of factors, including climate, weather, soil health, proximity to highway or industrial pollutants, whether it’s harvested by hand or machine, and the care with which it’s been handled, stored, and shipped. “There are thousands of green teas in China,” explained tea merchant Sebastian Beckworth, who travels to remote parts of that and other countries to source fine teas from small farms and collectives. “I don’t blend my teas for consistency,” he added. “I’d rather find farmers who are making a good crop and buy it. And when it’s gone, it’s gone.”
He also introduced the concept of seasonality. “The harvest time is now,” he said. “And green teas don’t keep as long as black teas do. Enjoy a green tea for six months, then try something else.” Any other tips? Forgo prepackaged teabags, which are filled with bits of broken leaves, for the loose leaves; in general, they’re of higher quality, fresher, and you’ll be rewarded with nuances of flavor. And because green tea is so delicate, always brew the leaves in water that hasn’t quite reached a boil (about 180 ºF).

Fears over lead in green tea have more to do with the leaves than the drink itself.


The process used to make black and oolong tea destroys many of the antioxidants found in green and white tea

Learn more:

Here is the benefits of Ginger Tea



* Papaya contains a high amount of potassium and the flesh of papaya is very high in Vitamin A.

* Papaya seeds and leaves are useful in treating intestinal worms found in the body.

* Papaya helps prevent constipation and also aid in digestion. Papaya contains the protein called papain which is a digestive enzyme that helps in natural digestion process.

* Papaya juice helps in alleviating infections of the colon by clearing away the infection, pus and mucus. Regular consumption will help in improving the problem.

* The skin of papaya is excellent for treating skin wounds and places that do not heal quickly.

* Papaya is low in calories and high in nutritive value hence it is an excellent food for those on a diet.

* Regularly consuming papaya helps to relieve morning sickness and nausea.

* Papaya has anti-inflammatory properties and anti-cancerous properties. The anti-inflammatory properties in papaya will help reduce pain for those suffering from arthritis, edema and osteoporosis.

* Papaya is very good for those who frequently suffer from cold, cough or flu because intake of papaya boosts the immune system. The high concentration of Vitamin C and Vitamin A contained in papaya is very beneficial to strengthen the immune system.

* Papaya is also very good for the hair and helps in controlling dandruff. Papaya shampoos are good for the hair and are available in many health stores.

* Raw papaya also helps in reducing menstrual irregularities for women. Papaya helps to ease the condition by promoting natural flow of menstruation.

* Papaya cleans the stomach and studies have shown that papaya alone eaten for 3 to 4 days has a highly beneficial tonic effect upon the stomach and intestines.

All the parts of the papaya fruit are useful and beneficial. Right from the seeds to the papaya leaves and the flesh of the fruit, all of it has some value. Both the inside and the outside of the fruit can be utilized .Thus no part of the fruit is useless or goes as a waste

Thus, if love to eat to papaya, it is great because along with savouring the taste you are also ingesting all the benefits associated with eating the fruit, which will result in good health for you !

So, go ahead and eat plenty of those papayas!!

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Vivix Shaklee Suplemen Terbaik Merawat Penyakit Parkinson

Vivix Shaklee Suplemen Terbaik Merawat Penyakit Parkinson

Assalamualaikum. Salam ceria semua.

Entri kali ini agak serius siket. Tapi taklah serius mana. Cuma saya ingin mengajak anda semua mengenali lebih dekat lagi dengan penyakit Parkinson. Bahaya ke Pakinson ni? Siapa boleh terkena penyakit ni? Kenalah baca dulu.... Jom kita baca kebaikan Vivix Shaklee suplemen terbaik merawat Penyakit Parkinson ....
Rawat parkinson dengan vivix shaklee
Apa itu penyakit Parkinson?

Penyakit Parkinson adalah sejenis penyakit yang melibatkan sistem saraf otak. Antara simptom yang ketara pada pesakitnya adalah mempunyai masalah koordinasi, keseimbangan dan kesukaran untuk berjalan. Berbeza dengan penyakit Alzheimer dan dementia, ia tidak menjejaskan memori serta fungsi kognitif pesakitnya.

Penyakit Parkinson berlaku apabila sel yang menghasilkan sejenis bahan kimia dikenali sebagai dopamine mengalami terganggu atau rosak. Tanpa dopamine, tubuh badan kita tidak dapat memberikan tindak balas dan berfungsi dengan baik. Antara faktor yang boleh menyebabkan kerosakan sel adalah pendedahan melampau terhadap bahan-bahan merbahaya seperti racun rumput, racun serangga dan bahan kimia industri.

Kebanyakan pesakit Parkinson berusia 50 tahun ke atas. Kajian terbaru menunjukkan faktor genetik juga boleh menyebabkan seseorang menghidapnya.

Gejala Parkinson

    Tangan, kaki atau badan menggeletar
    Masalah pergerakan tidak normal (dyskinesia)
    Kepala, tangan dan kaki bergoyang seperti menari
    Serangan bermula pada sebelah badan
    Penyakit bertambah buruk jika pesakit mengalami tekanan perasaan
    Tekanan darah akan lebih tinggi
    akan menjadi lebih parah jika dalam emosional

Penyakit Parkinson bukannya gejala semula jadi pada orang tua dan pengidapnya boleh menikmati tahap kesihatan yang baik sekiranya mendapatkan rawatan. Adalah penting untuk tidak cepat putus asa atau berasa rendah diri kerana pengidap penyakit Parkinson masih ada peluang untuk menjalani kehidupan sempurna.  Vivix Shaklee suplemen terbaik merawat Penyakit Parkinson.

Vivix Shaklee suplemen terbaik merawat Penyakit Parkinson

Vivix™ adalah minuman campuran botani merupakan revolusi terbaru di dalam pemakanan polifenol.
Mengandungi campuran unik botani Polygonum Cuspidatum, Anggur Muscadine, Elderberi Eropah dan Lobak Ungu yang kaya dengan polifenol menjadikan Vivix begitu unik. Polifenol adalah kumpulan fitokimia yang terdiri daripada sebatian tanaman yang mengandungi khasiat antioksidan dan sel anti-penuaan semulajadi.
Apakah sebenarnya Vivix ini?

 a.   Memperbaiki DNA. setiap hari, tubuh kita mengalami kerusakan DNA (salah satunya akibat radikal bebas) yang menyebabkan proses penuaan terjadi begitu cepat. Vivix membantu melambatkan dan melindungi DNA sel tubuh kita dan melambatkan proses tersebut. Vivix sesuai diambil oleh mereka yang selesai menjalani rawatan pemulihan kanser, misalnya kimoterapi, bagi mengembalikan sel tubuhnya kepada keadaan asal.
  b.  Memperbaiki tenaga sel. Semakin tubuh kita mengalami penuaan, semakin cepat sel tubuh kita kehilangan tenaga. Ini akan menurunkan fungsi sel. Vivix membantu menguatkan sel tubuh.
  c.  Membantu meningkatkan fungsi otak, kardiovaskular, imuniti (kekebalan) dan sendi. Semakin tua, semakin kita rasa sakit sana sini, ingatan pun makin pudar. Vivix membantu mengembalikan keremajaan.

VIVIX merupakan tonik anti-penuaan untuk berbagai manfaat yang sesuai untuk mereka yang menghidapi diabetes, arthritis, gout, dan macam-macam lagi. Mengandungi resveratrol yang dipercayai mampu memperbaiki DNA seterusnya mencegah penuaan secara cepat.

Jom kita lihat testimoni di bawah

Testimoni Vivix Shaklee suplemen terbaik merawat Penyakit Parkinson

Vivix Shaklee Anti Penuaan
Di kala usia meningkat ini, pengambilan pelbagai jenis ubat atau vitamin menjadi sangat sukar.TETAPI, anda hanya perlukan 1 SUDU TEH VIVIX sahaja sehari. Mudah sahaja kan.  Vivix Shaklee suplemen terbaik merawat Penyakit Parkinson.

Vivix juga merawat penyakit:

1. Jantung / Darah tinggi / Kencing manis
2. Parkinson
3. Awet muda
4. Rabun malam
5. Kanser / Tyroid
6. Angin dalam badan
7. Monopouse
8. Urat saraf / lengoh badan
9. Tenaga batin       



Kebaikan Vivix Shaklee

  • Menggalakan penuaan yg sihatawet muda dan anti-penuaan
  • Membantu mengelakan kanser – merencat sel kanser dari menjadi semakin serius
  • Mengurangkan risiko penyakit jantung – melindungi jantung
  • Mengurangkan kompilasi diabetes / kencing manis
  • Meningkatkan kesihatan arthritis dan menyokong kesihatan sendi – melindungi saraf
  • Mengurangkan insiden penyakit nyanyuk - merawat azhameir
  • Membantu merawat penyakit parkinson
  • Membantu memulihkan penyakit strok - angin ahmar
  • Meningkatkan kesihatan imum badan
  • Menggalakan kesihatan keseluruhan

Friday, March 7, 2014

How to Make Elderberry Syrup for Flu Prevention...

How to Make Elderberry Syrup for Flu Prevention

Homemade Elderberry Syrup Natural Remedy for Colds and Flu How to Make Elderberry Syrup for Flu Prevention

With flu season around the corner and signs for “flu shots” in every store, this is a natural alternative that is inexpensive and effective. It can be made easily at home.
If you or your child has ever had a bad case of the flu, you know how miserable it can be. Especially for moms, it is awful to see your children feeling so bad and not be able to fix it.

 Black elderberries (sambucus nigra) have been shown to prevent flu and speed recovery in those who have the flu.
Elderberries contain high levels of A, B, and C and stimulate the immune system.
 Several natural elderberry syrups are available at health stores or online, but usually for around $15 or more for 4-8 ounces. This recipe makes 16 ounces for a cost of under ten dollars and kids love the taste!

Homemade Elderberry Syrup Recipe Ingredients How to Make Elderberry Syrup for Flu Prevention

Homemade Elderberry Syrup Ingredients:

  • 2/3 cup black elderberries
  • 3.5 cups of water
  • 2 T fresh or dried ginger root
  • 1 tsp cinnamon powder
  • 1/2 tsp cloves or clove powder
  • 1 cup raw honey (we get from our farmer’s market)

How to Make Elderberry Syrup:

Pour water into medium saucepan and add elderberries, ginger, cinnamon and cloves (do not add honey!)

How to make homemade edlerberry syrup1 How to Make Elderberry Syrup for Flu Prevention

Bring to a boil and then cover and reduce to a simmer for about 45 minutes to an hour until the liquid has reduced by almost half. At that point, remove from heat and let cool enough to be handled. Pour through a strainer into a glass jar or bowl.

Straining homemade elderberry syrup1 How to Make Elderberry Syrup for Flu Prevention

Discard the elderberries (or compost them!) and let the liquid cool to lukewarm. When it is no longer hot, add 1 cup of honey and stir well.

making homemade elderberry syrup recipe How to Make Elderberry Syrup for Flu Prevention

When honey is well mixed into the elderberry mixture, pour the syrup into a pint sized mason jar or 16 ounce glass bottle of some kind.

Homemade Elderberry Syrup for Flu Prevention How to Make Elderberry Syrup for Flu Prevention

Ta Da! You just made homemade elderberry syrup! Store in the fridge and take daily for its immune boosting properties. Some sources recommend taking only during the week and not on the weekends to boost immunity.

Standard dose is 1/2 tsp to 1 tsp for kids and 1/2 Tbsp to 1 Tbsp for adults. If the flu does strike, take the normal dose every 2-3 hours instead of once a day until symptoms disappear.

Ever taken elderberry? Will you try this recipe? How do you ward off illness?


10 Uses for Basil Leaf....

10 Uses for Basil Leaf

10 great ways to use Basil leaf for health and cooking 10 Uses for Basil Leaf

Basil has taken over my garden so I am in the proces of preserving and storing it now. Fortunately, it can be used for so much more than just cooking!

Basil is most known for its culinary uses and if you have used my meal plans, you’ve probably noticed that I add it to everything. My husband’s Italian heritage has rubbed off on me and I absolutely love the sweet and fragrant addition of Basil.
What isn’t as well know are the various other herbal uses of Basil. It is a traditional remedy that has been used in various cultures for hundreds of years for many uses besides cooking. These are my top uses:
  1. Basil Pesto- This culinary use is one of Basil’s most popular uses and variations of this are used in cultures around the world. At our house, we add pesto to everything from eggs, to meats, to slices of fresh cucumber. Here’s my recipe.
  2. General Cooking- Dried basil can be easily added to practically any dish. Basil is used around the world in many different cuisines with good reason. It adds a depth and flavor that is not rivaled by other herbs. I make a homemade spice blend that includes basil and add it to practically anything.
  3. Calming the Stomach- The Italians may be on to something with adding Basil to everything. It is thought to have a calming effect on the stomach and 1/2 teaspoon of dried or fresh Basil Leaf in water can often help sooth indigestion and alleviate feelings of fullness.
  4. Coughing and Colds- I’ve heard several Amish in our area suggest using Basil leaf to help alleviate coughing and colds. They chew fresh leaves to calm coughing or make a calming tea of dried basil to help sooth illness.
  5. Facial Steam for Headache: A facial steam with dried basil leaf can help alleviate a headache. Add a tablespoon of dried basil leaf to 2 cups of boiling water in a large pot. Carefully lean over the pot, cover head with a towel and breathe in the steam for 5-10 minutes until headache starts to subside. Bonus, you get to smell like an Italian restaurant for the rest of the day!
  6. Antibiotic properties: According to Mountain Rose Herbs: “European scientists are investigating the use of basil oil as treatment for antibiotic resistant infections with Staphylococcus, Enterococcus, and Pseudomonas.”
  7. Stings and Bites: If you are working outside and get bitten or stung by an insect and don’t have any Plantain growing nearby, chewing up a basil leaf and applying to the bite will help relieve the pain and draw out the venom.
  8. Ear Infections: According to Mountain Rose Herbs: “The essential oil is antibacterial, and drops of basil oil may relieve ear infections.”
  9. Blood sugar: There is some evidence that Basil can help level out blood sugar if consumed regularly and drank as a juice or tea.
  10. Stress Reduction: One herbalist I know suggests adding 2 cups of strong Basil Leaf tea to a warm bath to help reduce stress and facilitate relaxation.
If you use Basil as much as we do, I definitely recommend growing it or buying it in bulk to save money.
Do you grow Basil? How do you use it?




Wednesday, March 5, 2014




Kaya dengan siliki & vitamin B,C,E & K. Ia dapat membantu menegangkan dan meremajakan kulit, sesuai untuk semua jenis kulit.


Kaya dengan siliki & vitamin B,C,E & K. Ia dapat membantu menegangkan dan meremajakan kulit, sesuai untuk semua jenis kulit.

Monday, March 3, 2014

Penyakit ‘ain

Penyakit ‘ain boleh menimpa anak-anak kecil sehingga mengakibatkan kemudharatan dengan sebab pandangan kekaguman atau pandangan jahat/hasad dari seseorang.

Maka, mohonkanlah perlindungan untuk anak-anak antaranya dengan doa/dzikir yang diajarkan oleh Nabi Shallallahu ‘alaihi wa Sallam (ketika memohonkan perlindungan kepada Al-Hasan dan Al-Husain):

أُعِيذُكُمَا بِكَلِمَاتِ اللَّهِ التَّامَّةِ، مِنْ كُلِّ شَيْطَانٍ وَهَامَّةٍ، وَمِنْ كُلِّ عَيْنٍ لَامَّةٍ

“Aku memohonkan perlindungan untuk kamu berdua dengan kalimat-kalimat (ayat-ayat) Allah yang sempurna dari setiap Syaitan, dari binatang berbisa, dan dari setiap ‘ain (pandangan mata) yang jahat.” (Sunan Abu Daud, no. 4737)

Selain itu, elakkan menyebarkan gambar anak-anak ke laman-laman maya tanpa ada sebab, kerana kita tidak tahu siapa yang akan melihatnya.

Di samping itu, bagi sesiapa yang melihat sesuatu yang mengkagumkan, maka ingatlah bahawa ia datang dari kurnia Allah

Maka ucapkanlah antaranya:

1, [بَارَكَ اللَّهُ فِيكُمْ] Baarakallaahufiikum/fiihi/fiiha..., iaitu mendoakan keberkahan atas apa yang dilihat. (diambil dari hadis dari Abi Umamah bin Sahl bin Hunaif: Al-Muwaththa’, no. 3460)

2, atau Subhanallaah, atau

3, Maa-syaa-Allaah, laa quwwata illaa billaah. (lihat: Surah Al-Kahfi, 18: 39 dan Tafsirnya)

4, atau doa-doa kebaikan lainnya agar Allah menjaganya.

Wallahu a’lam.

~ Abu Numair Nawawi Subandi